Thursday, 13 September 2012

Rabbinic Tribunal Documents

Tonight I finally had some time to sit down and look at some of our photographs. I decided to start with the Rabbinic tribunal documents because those are all typed up and are easier to read than the handwritten entries. I should note that I don't read Spanish. Spanish is my mother's first language so I grew up listening to Spanish and I can understand a bit, but not well enough to read or understand these documents. I am so curious about what they say.

I decided to type up a few of the Rabbinic documents into google translate and see what they meant. Obviously, the translation is not perfect, but this was just for fun. I typed the documents up exactly as they are in Spanish but tweaked the English a bit in the translations below so it is easier to read. In some cases, the Spanish did not translate at all. Here is a sample of three.

19 de Julio de 1927
Revino Senor Presidente del Tribunal Rabinico

Reverendisimo Senor,

Tenemos el honor de acusaros recibo de la comunicacion que con fecha 23 Sivan pasado habeis dignado hacer a este Consejo.
El asunto de la carne kosher que teneis a bien recordarnos es de los que atencion nos merecen. Lo hemos estudie do y seguilos estudiando con el mejor dese de darle soluciĆ³n. 
En constante nuestra preocupacion de allegar recursos que parmitan balance nuestro presupuesto redudendo cuanto se puede el impuesto sobre la carne el cual se eleva a poco mas de 3 francos por kilo.
De los arbitrios que se nos augiere y otros mas, habremos de atenernos de preferencia a aquellos cuya aplicacion aparezca viable. Y en su dia nos apresuraremos a notificaros la soluction adoptada.
Dios guarde a V.R. muchos anos.
El Secretario
El Presidente

July 19, 1927
Lord Chief Justice Rabbinical
We have the honor of receiving the accusatory communication on 23 Sivan last deigned ye do this Council.
The issue of kosher meat that you have sent is a good reminder that deserves attention.
We are studying the situation so we can be giving the best solution.
We are in constantly concerned to marshal our resources to balance our budget redudendo parmitan as can the meat tax which amounts to little more than 3 francs per kilo.
Of the taxes that we augiere and others, we will stick with preference to those whose application appears viable. And in his day we hasten to notify you of the solution adopted.
God keep V.R. many years.
the Secretary
the President

Tanger, 8 de Mayo 1938.
Sr. Presidente del Comite de la Comunidad Israelita de Tanger:
Senor Presidente:
Recibimos con verdadero placer su atenta comunicacion del 1 de los corrientes relativa a la constitucion del distinguido Comite que VD. preside.
Por el mismo oficio venimos a comunicarle que Su Excelencia el Mendub ha tenido a bien confirmar por decreto con fecha del 2 de Rabia Ter. de 1357 (3 de Mayo de 1938) los poderes del Comite en cuestion.
No nos queda mas que felicitar cordialmente a los electos, y, agradeciendo a Vd, senor Presidente, por la comunicacion de referencia, les reiteramos a todos el testimonio de nuestro afecto y perfecta consideracion.
El Secretario: M. Benidiba
El Presidente: Judah M. Azancot

Tanger, May 8, 1938.
Chairman of the Committee of the Jewish Community of Tangier:
Mr. President:
We received with great pleasure your note of 1 of the current (month) on the constitution of the distinguished Committee to VD. presides.
By the same office come to inform you that His Excellency Mendub has kindly confirmed by decree dated 2 Rage Ter. 1357 (May 3, 1938) the powers of the committee.
It remains for us to warmly congratulate the elected, and, thanking you, Mr. President, for the communication of reference, we repeat all the testimony of our affection and perfect consideration.
The Secretary: M. Benidiba
The Chairman: M. Judah Azancot

Tanger, 17 de Heshvan de 5699/11 de Novembre de 1938.
Sr. Presidente del Comite de la Comunidad Israelita de Tanger
Distinguido y querido senor,
Estoy muy agradecido a VD. y al comite que tan dignamente preside por los sentimientos tan halaguenos para mi, expresados en su carta del 8 de Noviembre con motivo de mi nombramiento a la Presidencia del Tribunal Rabinico de Tanger.
Hago votos al Ser Supremo para oue este nombramiento sea enhorabuena para la Comunidad toda y para que nuestra colonia espiritualmente guiada por este Tribunal se mantenga y prospere dentro de las normas de nuestra Santa Ley.
Much confio en los sentimientos judios de ese Comite, y en su comprension de los problemas tan delicados como complejos con que se enfrentan los judios en estos momentos, para encontrar cerca de Vds. el apoyo moral y efectivo que me han de ser indispensables en el ejercicio de mi cargo.
Quedo de Vd., Senor Presidente, con toda consideracion.

Judah M. Azancot

Tanger, 17 Heshvan of 5699/11 Novembre 1938.

Chairman of the Committee of the Jewish Community of Tanger

Distinguished and Dear Sir,

I am grateful to VD. and the committee that so worthily presides by flattering for my feelings as expressed in his letter of 8 November on the occasion of my appointment to the Presidency of the Rabbinical Court of Tanger.
I pray to the Supreme Being for this appointment is oue congratulations to the entire community and for our colony spiritually guided by this Court will continue and flourish within the rules of our Holy Law.

Much relied on Jewish feelings of that committee, and in their understanding of the complex issues as delicate as they face the Jews at this time, to find near of you moral support and effective that I have to be indispensable in the my tenure.
I look to you, Mr. President, with all consideration.
Judah M. Azancot