Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Success! I figured out how to enable comments! Now you can read my blog and leave me messages! Yay!

Update: We are headed to Barcelona on Thursday, August 16th and then we fly to Tangiers on Sunday, August 20. I am anxious to get there already and see what books they have for us to digitize.

I had a nightmare last week that we got to the Jewish community centre in Tangiers, and the curator(?) over there showed me a cupboard and told me all the archives are in there. I opened the cupboard, and there were five Dr. Suess books in Hebrew and he was like "yeah, that's all that there is". And I kept saying, no, we came really far, I know forsure there is at least the marriage book... The weirdest part about it was that the curator guy was a friend of mine who lives two blocks away from me in Toronto...

1 comment:

Denise Levin said...

“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!